
Program startup screen Spinning torus

Program created: 2012 | Program touch-up: 2018

A Java program that generates shapes and displays them. You can rotate the view around the shape using the keyboard.

Generates images by creating points based on the mathematical equation representing the 3D shape. Every point is updated each frame, and lines are drawn between the points generating the shape.

Uses some functions from from Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach Booksite to render the images.

Download GraphicsTester.jar (17 KB JAR file)

To run the program:

  1. Download GraphicsTester.jar from the link above.
  2. Using file browser:
    • Open GraphicsTester.jar
  3. Using terminal:
    • Navigate to where you put the JAR file.
    • Type in: java -jar GraphicsTester.jar

To use the program:

There are 11 shapes/scenes to veiw:

  1. A torus.
  2. A larger torus with smaller center.
  3. A cube.
  4. A smaller cube.
  5. A pentagonal prism.
  6. An octagonal prism.
  7. A sphere.
  8. A smaller sphere.
  9. A square-base pyramid.
  10. A "scene" with 3 lines, and 4 cubes.
  11. A "scene" with 3 lines, 2 cylinders, and a sphere.